Lilith 于 2007-10-29 14:31 发表
you know what, i honestly don't give a flying f**k what one's point is, if the underlying assumption is biased. why should i bother to understand or even hear it whe ...
Although lioncck has agreed to stop over here, it is still necessary for me to add some more points .
Good technique can not guarantee winning.Let's imagine, you and Tom are having a cow boy style duel. Both of you are using a robot with different weapons. Yours cause more damage while Tom's is extremely weak. You are allowed to shot after the timer comes to zero. The one who can make the other's robot fall down wins. If your reaction time is 0.1 sec, and Tom's reaction time is 0.001 sec, you still win .
Actually, Lioncck came up with his conclusion Suma could not defeat Setsuna without starting from the proposition: Suma is exactly the same as those modified humans. As he said.
After that, you raised your ideas that Suma may still win, well , I agre with those points in fact. You can reject his idea like this, but not picking on an unrelated statement and acccuse him of disrespcting the authors of Gundam00 / A silly fans...etc . I do not care if lioncck's or yours idea is correct, but I care how did you blame him.
At the same time I do not think making a guess at this stage would be a stupid decision. More clues are always welcomed, but we have the freedom of making a guess on the plot when watching movies/TV programmes..etc. Moreover, an early guess do not mean disrepect. If yes, I think millions of Hong Kong people sitting in front of televsions when having dinners, would have been disrespcting directors of TV dramas for years already.
有些事情說開了不妨繼續說,香港人在網上用英語是非常常見的事情,特別是有些場合中,某些詞彙我們都只知英而不知中,與其好像口語對話中中英混合,倒不如徹底用英語來得痛快。只是,對話之間也少不免流露出港式英語的痕跡,比如說:「It is a very good movie ar~/I go dinner now」等種種形式的不純正英語,這一點可以說是香港特色-雖說這不是甚麼好事情。
最後,還是我一而在再而三說過的話。Lioncck說話的正確與否跟他的那句「Also Episode 4 told us that this Supergirl got brains... really unlike superhuman in the previous Gundam series」可謂全無瓜葛,我在意的不是蘇瑪難勝論的正確與否,是Lilith一度抓住Lioncck這句無知的說話加以窮追猛打,進而全盤否定他的話。既然兩位在較早之前已經有了充分了解,並決定休筆,我的話也就到此為止了。