至少是某些地方= =

The three factions are still trying to capture a Gundam.
What is this? Pokemon? I feel like I’m watching Team Rocket trying to capture Pikachu for the umpteenth time.
This episode’s dumb Setsuna act is that he goes and pays Marina a night visit. He flies his Gundam halfway around the world for a possible booty call? Okay, that’s not unforgivable, but he asks her a metaphysical question, and then bolts before she even finishes. What is he thinking? Why Marina? Why risk exposing yourself and Exia? Why not ask the other Meisters or any of the other members of Celestial Being?
(Yes, I was disappointed that Setsuna didn’t go,
“I’m not gay, and I’ll prove it right here and now!” instead. That would have been epic and caused a huge uproar in the blogosphere.)
(Tieria’s pink sweater gets more and more comical each and every episode.)
I still don’t get Saji’s and Louise’s role, but it was hilarious seeing them drag Setsuna into their mess. I enjoyed Louise bitching about Setsuna, and I enjoyed Setsuna’s “Wait, when does this threesome start?” look. Though I was disappointed that
we didn’t see a Pizza Hut logo and Louise clutching a Cheese-kun doll. Man, Saji is so whipped.


Woohoo! Ms. Wang in a bikini, but Sumeragi has to trump her with a swimsuit that shows off even more skin than the purple number back in episode 8.
(The Sumeragi shower scene was too blurred and wasn’t as good as Meyrin in a towel.)