The main technical advancement introduced with the Mark II was the "movable frame" construction concept. Up until that point, almost all mobile suits were built on the "monocoque" construction concept - with the external armor serving as a "shell" that supported all of the thrusters, joints, hydraulics, fuel tanks, et cetera, that were stored inside. The movable frame concept turned this design philosophy around; the Gundam Mark II was built around a skeleton-like frame, with all thrusters, fuel tanks, weapons and so forth mounted on the frame, and minimal amounts of armor applied to those critical areas that needed protection. With the advent of portable beam weaponry, a mobile suit was typically destroyed with one or two well-placed shots regardless of its armor; therefore, it was decided that otherwise useless armor would be sacrificed for lighter weight - and thus greater speed and maneuverability. When word of the Mark II's development reached the underground Anti-Earth Union Group movement, its leaders decided to move openly to capture one of the prototype mobile suits. Not only would this serve to give the AEUG access to the movable frame technology, but it would allow them to openly prove to the entire Earth Sphere that the Titans - now developing new war technologies - had other plans for the otherwise independent-minded space colonists.

本帖最后由 fa怪叔叔 于 2008-8-12 18:33 编辑 ]