标题: [HOI黨注目!]Hearts of Iron II Armageddon Patch 1.1
darkking1200 (アネモネ&エウレカ)

不要哀求,学会争取,若能如此,终有收 ...

UID 561
积分 6926
帖子 5328
气力 103
河蟹 14
阅读权限 60
发表于 2007-6-14 18:22  资料  短消息  加为好友 
[HOI黨注目!]Hearts of Iron II Armageddon Patch 1.1

http://www.paradoxplaza.com/inde ... =197&Itemid=129

Patch 1.1 for Armageddon is now available via your Gamersgate downloader

List of changes

#### Code changes

- CAG ranges should now upgrade properly
- The game should no longer end in 1955.
- Fixed a problem when countries would send you expeditionary forces even when you asked them not too.
- Fixed the problem with evac_island.
- Reworked on the building logic for convoys. The AI should now build more convoys and use the max_batch.


- Land XP gain factor set to 3.0
- Naval XP gain factor set to 5.0
- Leader XP gain factor set to 1.3


- Added the following new nations to the database, including tech teams, minister, models, and all kinds of unit names:
* Uganda (U70)
* Northern Ireland (U71)
* Communist Vietnam (U72) (the VIE tag becomes Nationalist Vietnam)
* England (U73)
* Northern China (U74)
* Singapore (U75)
* Wales (U76)
* Greater Colombia (U77)
* Central America (U78)
* Federation of the West Indies (U79)
* Kashmir (U80)
* Upper Volta (U81)
* Central Africa (U82)
* Ceylon (U83)
* Chad (U84)
* Congo-Brazzaville (U85)
* Gambia (U86)
* China-Nanjing (U87)
* Côte d'Ivoire (U88)
* Jamaica (U89)
* Kenya (U90)
* Kuwait (U91)
* Malta (U92)
* Mauritania (U93)
* Niger (U94)
* Rwanda (U95)
* Senegal (U96)
* Tanganyika (U97)
* Trinidad & Tobago (U98)
* Togo (U99)
- Removed all ESC F names from unitnames.csv, this caused bombers to have fighter names in a lot of countries.
- Edited and added air, army, navy, unitnames for CSA (kudos to the CSA mod team!).
- CSA now uses ENG unit sprites to differentiate from USA.
- FRA got some better paratrooper division names.
- Added better air, army, navy names to CHC & CHI (kudos to the CCIP team!)
- Slightly lowered the combat efficiency of both coastal and land forts to -0.07 instead of -0.09
- Added tech team(s) to the Soviet Union: Vozdushno-Desantnye Voyska (1930-1941)
- Fixed the beach and port icons for Dunkerque so they are visible
- Corrected the date on Romanian event 900073
- Lend-Lease Act (#3700) does no longer give a move towards interventionism
- Enhanced the trigger of the Hitler Assassination events (kudos to Dermeister)
- Danzig or War might now triggered if the Munich Treaty *is* honoured.
- Enhanced the paratrooper division names for SOV, GER & CHC
- Updated colonial_release and ai_revolters event files to match the new revolter nations
- Created placeholder minister files for all new revolters
- Moved most end dates for events to December 1963.

- CAN: added two leaders and edited a bunch of others (kudos to the Community Leader Improvement team!)
- ENG: Hobart (1166) received Engineer.
- ENG: Dowding (1435) lost Night Flyer.
- ENG: Trenchard (1483) lost Tank Buster and received Carpet Bomber.
- GER: Rommel (230) received Offensive Doctrine.
- HUN: added a lot of new leaders and edited a lot of others (kudos to the Community Leader Improvement team!)
- ITA: added a few new leaders and edited a bunch of others (kudos to the Community Leader Improvement team!)
- JAP: added a few leaders and edited a whole lot of others (kudos to the Community Leader Improvement team!)
- MAN: added one leader and edited a bunch of others (kudos to the Community Leader Improvement team!)
- MEN: added two leaders and edited a bunch of others (kudos to the Community Leader Improvement team!)
- RSI: added one new leader and edited a bunch of others (kudos to the Community Leader Improvement team!)

- AST: added ministers to fit the 1964 game end
- CAN: added ministers to fit the 1964 game end
- CHC: added ministers to fit the 1964 game end
- ENG: added ministers to fit the 1964 game end
- JAP: added ministers to fit the 1964 game end
- SAF: added ministers to fit the 1964 game end
- SOV: added ministers to fit the 1964 game end
- USA: added ministers to fit the 1964 game end

- Added a couple unique model names for SOV carriers and light carriers.
- Added a lot of unique model names for CSA (kudos to the CSA Mod)

- Added tech team(s) to Algeria: Compagnie française des pétroles (1957-1970), Army of National Liberation (1930-1962), People's National Army (1962-1970), Algerian National Navy (1930-1970), Algerian Air Force (1930-1970)
- Added tech team(s) to Australia: Wilfred Harrington (1954-1965), Sir Sydney Fairbairn Rowell (1950-1968), Sir Colin Thomas Hannah (1959-1970), Horace R. Campbell (1945-1954).
- Added tech team(s) to Austria: Ministry of Defence (1945-1970), Technische Universität Wien (1930-1970).
- Added tech team(s) to Belarus: Michal Vituška (1930-1970), Air Force (1930-1970).
- Added tech team(s) to Benin-Sahel: Sourou Migan Apithy (1945-1970), Ministry of National Defence (1930-1970), Ministry of Industry (1930-1970).
- Added tech team(s) to Bolivia: Ministry of Defence (1930-1970).
- Added tech team(s) to Bosnia: Ministry of Defence (1930-1970).
- Added tech team(s) to Bulgaria: Ministry of Defence (1945-1970), Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (1930-1970).
- Added tech team(s) to Burma: Defence Industries (1960-1970), Burma Air Force (1948-1970), Burma Army (1930-1970), Burma Navy (1940-1970).
- Added tech team(s) to Canada: Harry DeWolf (1947-1964).
- Added tech team(s) to Colombia: Universidad Nacional de Colombia (1930-1970)
- Added tech team(s) to Communist China: People's Liberation Army Navy (1950-1970).
- Added tech team(s) to Costa Rica: Police Guard (1949-1970), Central American Common Market (1961-1969).
- Added tech team(s) to Cuba: Fidel Castro (1959-1970), Transportation Ministry (1959-1970), MINFAR (1959-1970).
- Added tech team(s) to Czechoslovakia: Ministry of Defence (1930-1970), Ludvik Svoboda (1945-1970).
- Added tech team(s) to Denmark: Svend Pontoppidan (1958-1966).
- Added tech team(s) to El Salvador: Fuerza Armada de El Salvador (1930-1970).
- Added tech team(s) to France: Bertrand Goldschmidt (1954-1970), Raoul Salan (1948-1960), Alphonse Juin (1947-1962), CEMAA (1950-1970).
- Added tech team(s) to Gabon: COMUF (1960-1970).
- Added tech team(s) to Gold Coast: Charles Arden-Clarke (1949-1957).
- Added tech team(s) to Guangxi Clique: Ministry of Defence (1930-1970).
- Added tech team(s) to Guatemala: Central American Common Market (1961-1969).
- Added tech team(s) to Honduras: Ministry of Defense (1930-1970), Central American Common Market (1961-1969)
- Added tech team(s) to India: R.D. Katri (1954-1965), K.M. Cariappa (1947-1965).
- Added tech team(s) to Japan: Shigetaro Shimada (1942-1970), Ground Self-Defence Force (1954-1970), Maritime Self-Defence Force (1954-1970), Air Self-Defence Force (1954-1970), Nippon Electric Company (1950-1970).
- Added tech team(s) to Laos: Phoumi Nosavan (1959-1964).
- Added tech team(s) to Latvia: Ministry of Defence (1930-1970).
- Added tech team(s) to Lebanon: Toufic Salem (1945-1959), Youssef Chmeit (1959-1970), Fouad Shebab (1945-1958), Adel Shebab (1959-1965).
- Added tech team(s) to Liberia: University of Liberia (1951-1970).
- Added tech team(s) to Libya: Esso (1959-1970), Garyounis University (1956-1970).
- Added tech team(s) to Madagascar: Ministry of Defence (1958-1970).
- Added tech team(s) to Mozambique: Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (1962-1970), Gulf Oil (1961-1970), Eduardo Mondlane (1962-1969).
- Added tech team(s) to Nationalist Spain: Angel Salas Larrazabal (1939-1970).
- Added tech team(s) to Nicaragua: Luis Somoza (1957-1962), Central American Common Market (1961-1969).
- Added tech team(s) to Pakistan: Pakistan Chief of Naval Staff (1956-1970).
- Added tech team(s) to the Phillippines: Phillippine Air Force (1946-1970).
- Added tech team(s) to Poland: Ministry of National Defence (1945-1970).
- Added tech team(s) to Rhodesia: Rhodesian African Rifles (1930-1970), Ted Jacklin (1949-1961), 'RAF' Bentley (1961-1965).
- Added tech team(s) to Romania: Ministry of National Defence (1945-1970).
- Added tech team(s) to Scotland: Fort George (1930-1970), Scottish Navy (1930-1970), Banff Air Base (1930-1970).
- Added tech team(s) to Siam: Sarit Dhanarajata (1957-1970), Bank of Thailand (1943-1970).
- Added tech team(s) to Slovakia: Ferdinand Catlos (1936-1944).
- Added tech team(s) to Slovenia: Ministry of Defence (1930-1970).
- Added tech team(s) to Sudan: Ministry of National Defence (1930-1970), Ibrahim Abboud (1950-1965), Ministry of Industry (1930-1970).
- Added tech team(s) to Sweden: Nils Swedlund (1951-1961), Torsten Rapp (1930-1970).
- Added tech team(s) to Switzerland: Paul Chaudet (1954-1967), Paul Scherrer (1930-1969).
- Added tech team(s) to Syria: Syrian Air Force (1948-1970)
- Added tech team(s) to Tunisia: Ministry of Defence (1955-1970).
- Added tech team(s) to the United Kingdom: Earl Mountbatten (1955-1965).
- Added tech team(s) to Uruguay: Universidad de la Republica (1930-1970).
- Added tech team(s) to the USA: Maxwell Taylor (1953-1965), Arthur Radford (1953-1959), IBM (1954-1970).
- Added tech team(s) to Vichy France: Charles Nogues (1941-1970).
- Death date for Thomas Blamey (AST) moved to 1951.
- Death date for Ragnar Colvin (AST) moved to 1954.
- Death date for Dudley Lavarack (AST) moved to 1957.
- Death date for William Bostock (AST) moved to 1958.
- Death date for Erwin Schrödinger (AUS) moved to 1960.
- Death date for Alexander Löhr, Johann Kubena & Lothar Rendulic (AUS) moved to 1945.
- Death date for Fairey (BEL) moved to 1960.
- Death date for Renard (BEL) moved to 1945.
- Death date for Jean-Baptiste Piron (BEL) moved to 1957.
- Death date for Victor van Strydonck de Burkel (BEL) moved to 1945.
- Death date for Eusebio Ayala (BOL) moved to 1942.
- Death date for David Toro Ruilova (BOL) moved to 1938.
- Death date for Corderio di Farias (BRA) moved to 1964 and start date to 1940.
- Death date for Nero Moura (BRA) moved to 1964 and start date to 1943.
- Death date for Eurico Gaspar Dutra (BRA) moved to 1952 and start date to 1940.
- Death date for João Mascarenhas de Morais (BRA) moved to 1954 and start date to 1937.
- Death date for Vasil Boydev & Nikola Bakyrdjiev (BUL) moved to 1944.
- Death date for University of Rangoon (BUR) moved to 1963.
- Death date for Li Zongren (CGX) moved to 1969.
- Death date for Chen Jitang (CGX) moved to 1954.
- Death date for Bai Chongxi (CGX) moved to 1966, upped his skill level to 4 and edited his specialities.
- Death date for Li Kenong (CHC) moved to 1959.
- Death date for Alexander von Falkenhausen (CHI) moved to 1948.
- Death date for Gustavo Rojas Pinilla (COL) moved to 1957 and start date to 1944.
- Death date for Vladimir Kren (CRO) moved to 1945.
- Death date for Slavko Kvaternik (CRO) moved to 1948 (would have been 70).
- Death date for Vladimir Laxa (CRO) moved to 1945.
- Death date for Fulgencio Batista (CUB) moved to 1958.
- Death date for all Batista-tied companies (CUB) moved to 1959.
- Death date for Sergej Vojcechovský (CZE) moved to 1945.
- Death date for Hjalmar Rechnitzer (DEN) moved to 1942.
- Death date for Aage Vedel (DEN) moved to 1958.
- Death date for E.V. Grandjean (DEN) moved to 1948.
- Death date for Alan Turing (ENG) moved to 1953.
- Death date for Andrew Cunningham (ENG) moved to 1963.
- Death date for Max Horton (ENG) moved to 1951.
- Death date for Alan Brooke (ENG) moved to 1963.
- Death date for the Curies (FRA) moved to 1956.
- Death date for François d'Astier de la Vigerie (FRA) moved to 1952.
- Death date for Maurice Gamelin (FRA & VIC) moved to 1958.
- Death date for François Darlan (FRA & VIC) moved to 1951 (would have been 70).
- Death date for Erich Raeder (GER) moved to 1960.
- Death date for Frits Zernike (HOL) moved to 1966.
- Death date for Henri Winkelman (HOL) moved to 1946.
- Death date for Johannes Furstner (HOL) moved to 1962.
- Death date for Petrus Best (HOL) moved to 1951.
- Death date for Miklos Horthy (HUN) moved to 1944 and dropped his skill to 3 because Hungary lacks a navy.
- Death date for William E. Parry (IND) moved to 1958.
- Death date for Archibald Wavell (IND) moved to 1947.
- Death date for Aspy Merwan Engineer (IND) moved to 1964.
- Death date for Victor Lord Linlithgow (IND) moved to 1943.
- Death date for Frank Messervy (IND) moved to 1947, start date moved to 1942 and dropped skill to 5.
- Death date for Rodolfo Graziani (ITA & RSI) moved to 1955.
- Death date for Shunroku Hata (JAP) moved to 1962 (would have been 70).
- Death date for Teiji Takagi (JAP) moved to 1960.
- Death date for Hideki Tojo (JAP) moved to 1954 (would have been 70).
- Death date for Hisaichi Terauchi (JAP) moved to 1949 (would have been 70).
- Death date for Isoroku Yamamoto (JAP) moved to 1954 (would have been 70).
- Death date for Osami Nagano (JAP) moved to 1947.
- Death date for Tomoyoki Yamashita (JAP) moved to 1953 (would have been 70).
- Death date for Janis Balodis (LAT) moved to 1951 (would have been 70).
- Death date for Krisjanis Berkis (LAT) moved to 1954 (would have been 70).
- Death date for the French doctrine teams (LEB) moved to 1945.
- Death date for the French doctrine teams (MAD) moved to 1958.
- Death date for Anastacio Somoza (NIC) moved to 1956 and start date to 1936.
- Death date for Wellington Arsenal, New Zealand Dockyard and General Motors Wellington (NZL) moved to 1970.
- Death date for James Wilfred Jefford (PAK) moved to 1956.
- Death date for Jerzy Swirski, Tadeusz Kutzreba & Ludomil Rayski (POL) moved to 1944.
- Death date for Ion Antonescu (ROM) moved to 1944.
- Death date for Mihail Lascar (ROM) moved to 1950, start date moved to 1945).
- Death date for Adolf Malan (SAF) moved to 1950.
- Death date for Hernandez Martinez (SAL) moved to 1944, start date to 1931 and edited his specialities.
- Death date for Henri Guisan (SCH) moved to 1954.
- Death date for Luang Phibunsongkhram (SIA) moved to 1957.
- Death date for all companies (SIA) moved to 1970.
- Death date for García Morato (SPA) moved to 1939.
- Death date for Hidalgo de Cisneros (SPR) moved to 1966.
- Death date for Puig Adam (SPR) moved to 1960.
- Death date for Rojo Lluch (SPR) moved to 1966.
- Death date for Mendiola Nuñez (SPR) moved to 1966.
- Death date for José Miaja Menant (SPR) moved to 1958.
- Death date for Olof Thörnell (SWE) moved to 1944.
- Death date for Helge Jung (SWE) moved to 1951 and start date to 1944.
- Death date for Bengt Nordenskiöld (SWE) moved to 1954 and slightly edited his proficiencies
- Death date for all French tech teams (TUN) moved to 1955.
- Death date for Baldomir Ferrari (URU) moved to 1943 and changed name to Alfredo Baldomir.
- Deleted all doctrine teams (ALG).
- Deleted all doctrine teams (BEN).
- Deleted most doctrine teams (BLR).
- Deleted José Santos Quinteros (BOL).
- Deleted most doctrine teams (BOS).
- Deleted the British doctrine teams and Bo Mya (BUR).
- Deleted Wang Shuming (CGX).
- Deleted Joseph Frantisek (CZE).
- Deleted Didier Masson & Carias Andina (HON).
- Deleted all doctrine teams (RHO).
- Deleted all English doctrine teams (SCO).
- Deleted Ludvik Svoboda (SLO).
- Deleted all doctrine teams (SLV).
- Deleted all doctrine teams (SUD).
- Edited skill level of Union of Burma Railways (BUR).
- Edited specialities of Vladimir Laxa (CRO).
- Edited specialities of Gabon Military Academy (GAB).
- Edited specialities of Petrus Best (HOL).
- Edited specialities of National Military Academy (LBY).
- Edited specialities of Gösta Ehrensvärd (SWE).
- Renamed two Albanian tech teams to remove the 'Royal' prefix (so that they can also be used post-WWII)
- Replaced Tarcisio Padilha with Brazilian Navy in Brazil.
- Replaced all doctrine teams in Colombia with National Army & National Armada.
- Replaced Figueras Ferrer with Ministry of Defence in Costa Rica.
- Replaced Friedrich Navratil with Ministry of Defence in Croatia.
- Replaced Vagn Benneke with Royal Danish Air Force in Denmark.
- Replaced Carl Hjalf with Royal Danish Army in Denmark.
- Replaced Hans Kahle, Otto Groos and Willi Bredel with Ground Forces, People's Navy and Air Force & Air Defence in the DDR.
- Replaced Arbenz Guzman with Ministry of Defense in Guatemala.
- Replaced Shiing-shen Chern with Institute of Mathematics - Academia Sinica in Nationalist China.
- Replaced Chen Shao-kuan with Republic of China Navy in Nationalist China.
- Replaced Marius Raaijmakers with Royal Netherlands Air Force in the Netherlands.
- Replaced Izaak Reynders with Royal Netherlands Army in the Netherlands
- Replaced Pridi Phanomyong with Marshall of the Navy in Siam
- Replaced Daners Isamendi with Luis Battle Beres (1944-1964) in Uruguay.
- Replaced Niels Bohr with Edward Teller (1951-1970) in the USA.
- Start date for Ne Win (BUR) moved to 1949.
- Start date for Vladimir Laxa (CRO) moved to 1930.
- Start date for Aage Vedel (DEN) moved to 1941.
- Start date for Helmut Gröttrup (DDR) moved to 1955.
- Start date for Gustav Hertz (DDR) moved to 1954.
- Start date for Hugo Legzdins (LAT) moved to 1940.


- Added a lot of new events to cover political changes, elections, switches, deaths and resignations between 1953 and 1964.
- Changed the AI_chance in all election events so that ahistorical election outcomes are a bit more common now.
- Added an event that returns the Soviet owned Persian provinces to Persia when USSR loses Baku to the Axis.
- Added events for France, the Netherlands and Belgium to return their capitals to Europe once Germany has been defeated. Belgium loses claims on the Congo in the same event.
- The Italian Surrender now sleeps tech team Rodolfo Graziani in Italy, who remained loyal to Mussolini's RSI.
- The United Kingdom now also loses claims when it chooses not to make Indian independent.
- The Vichy Regime instalment should now immediately trigger the sleeping of collaborating leaders in France. This should avoid Gamelin and such being in De Gaulle's government.
- Japan receives a bit more provinces if it chooses to puppet China at their surrender. This should eliminate the isolated provinces near the Indian border.
- The two Assassination of Hitler can now also fire if BUL/HUN/ROM are puppeted by SOV (compared to only when annexed before).
- Edited the Bitter Peace event series so that minor Axis members get to keep their spoils. Kudos to forum member Kunadam.
- The USA Elections no longer change the various Chief of <...> positions.
- Event 3803 "Japan and the SE Asian Colonies" no longer triggers if Japan has already surrendered to China.
- When Bulgaria switches sides it now makes peace with everyone, including the Allies, not only with the USSR.
- Edited the event for the passing of King George VI (ENG) so that it also happens correctly if ENG is Labour-ruled at the time.
- Removed the dissent command in action_a of event 93 (German Occupation of Denmark). This will prevent the game from occasionally crashing at that point.
- Commented out the 'USA assassinates admiral Yamamoto' event.


- Added unique counters (with roundels) to all nations missing them (kudos to Ayestheni!)


- Added a blockable strait between: Asahikawa & Etorofu
- Added a blockable strait between: The Cyclades & The Dodecanese
- Added a blockable strait between: The Dodecanese & Izmir
- Added a blockable strait between: The Dodecanese & Antalya
- Added a blockable strait between: The Dardanelles & Izmir
- Added a blockable strait between: Tierra del Fuego & Punta Arenas


# 1936
- Ethiopia received claims on provinces 1033 1038 1039.

# 1944
- Ethiopia received claims on provinces 1033 1038 1039.

# 1945
- Ethiopia received claims on provinces 1033 1038 1039.

-Yemen now has claims on Southern Yemen in 1936 1939 1941 1944 & 1945
- SOV is now fully hawk and interventionist in 1941, 1944 & 1945

- Deleted the double_nuke_prod command from two nuclear techs for now since there's no text entry for it
- Removed the ORG increases for Transport Planes in the Strategic Arm of the Air Doctrine Techs
- Added tech team(s) to RHO: Kariba Dam (1955-1959).
- Set the max_amphib_mod in various naval doctrines as follows:
* Base Strike Doctrine (1938): set to 4
* Fleet-in-Being Doctrine (1938): set to 4
* Massive Strike Doctrine (1943): set to 5
* Maritime Power Projection Doctrine (1944): set to 5
* Fleet Train Doctrine (1944): set to 6
* Amphibious Operations Doctrine (1952): set to 8

[ 本帖最后由 darkking1200 于 2007-6-14 22:11 编辑 ]


UID 77
积分 8107
帖子 7661
气力 102
河蟹 528
阅读权限 60
发表于 2007-6-14 20:13  资料  短消息  加为好友  添加 Voodoo 为MSN好友 通过MSN和 Voodoo 交谈



UID 1568
积分 771
帖子 161
气力 101
河蟹 0
阅读权限 30
发表于 2007-6-14 20:16  资料  短消息  加为好友 

darkking1200 (アネモネ&エウレカ)

不要哀求,学会争取,若能如此,终有收 ...

UID 561
积分 6926
帖子 5328
气力 103
河蟹 14
阅读权限 60
发表于 2007-6-14 22:12  资料  短消息  加为好友 
Added tech team(s) to Communist China: People's Liberation Army Navy (1950-1970).



UID 1568
积分 771
帖子 161
气力 101
河蟹 0
阅读权限 30
发表于 2007-6-14 22:17  资料  短消息  加为好友 

darkking1200 (アネモネ&エウレカ)

不要哀求,学会争取,若能如此,终有收 ...

UID 561
积分 6926
帖子 5328
气力 103
河蟹 14
阅读权限 60
发表于 2007-6-14 22:19  资料  短消息  加为好友 
1950年才出現的…… 娘個西皮的


殿田大佐专用欧内桑的凝视 ... ...

  海外军团-美国   ♂自曝章  
UID 80
积分 5294
帖子 3988
气力 103
河蟹 85
阅读权限 60
发表于 2007-6-15 11:26  资料  短消息  加为好友  添加 V.I.Lenin 为MSN好友 通过MSN和 V.I.Lenin 交谈 QQ

darkking1200 (アネモネ&エウレカ)

不要哀求,学会争取,若能如此,终有收 ...

UID 561
积分 6926
帖子 5328
气力 103
河蟹 14
阅读权限 60
发表于 2007-6-15 14:10  资料  短消息  加为好友 

斑鸠郡主 (机械皇国皇储)

Ikaruga Mell Grand Grees Eydas

  AE工程师   海外军团-澳大利亚  
UID 98
积分 20148
帖子 3863
气力 105
河蟹 424
阅读权限 100
发表于 2007-6-15 16:20  资料  短消息  加为好友  添加 斑鸠郡主 为MSN好友 通过MSN和 斑鸠郡主 交谈 QQ Yahoo!
那么多字 看的头就晕 杂兵你直接说加了什么新的东西吧 什么时候汉化出来

I am lonely lonely lonely      
I am lonely lonely in my life
I am lonely lonely lonely      
God help me help me to survive!
Everybody’s tripppin’ on me
Oh lord come help me please
I did some bad things in my life
Why can’t you rescue me ’cause you’ve got all i need
I know i got to pay the price
darkking1200 (アネモネ&エウレカ)

不要哀求,学会争取,若能如此,终有收 ...

UID 561
积分 6926
帖子 5328
气力 103
河蟹 14
阅读权限 60
发表于 2007-6-15 18:04  资料  短消息  加为好友 


斑鸠郡主 (机械皇国皇储)

Ikaruga Mell Grand Grees Eydas

  AE工程师   海外军团-澳大利亚  
UID 98
积分 20148
帖子 3863
气力 105
河蟹 424
阅读权限 100
发表于 2007-6-15 19:13  资料  短消息  加为好友  添加 斑鸠郡主 为MSN好友 通过MSN和 斑鸠郡主 交谈 QQ Yahoo!
关键是字太密集了 光看那架势我就没看下去的勇气……………………

I am lonely lonely lonely      
I am lonely lonely in my life
I am lonely lonely lonely      
God help me help me to survive!
Everybody’s tripppin’ on me
Oh lord come help me please
I did some bad things in my life
Why can’t you rescue me ’cause you’ve got all i need
I know i got to pay the price


UID 62
积分 11884
帖子 15849
气力 102
河蟹 -11
阅读权限 60
发表于 2007-6-15 20:00  资料  短消息  加为好友  添加 Ramba 为MSN好友 通过MSN和 Ramba 交谈

原帖由 darkking1200 于 2007-6-15 18:04 发表





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